How it Works

How it Works


How to Create a Free Listing on Free Ads India

Step 1: Register on the Website

1. Visit the homepage of Free Ads India.
2. Click on the "Sign Up" or "Register" button at the top right corner of the page.
3. Fill out the registration form with your personal details such as name, email address, and password.
4. Verify your email address through the verification link sent to your provided email.
5. Once verified, log in to your account.

Step 2: Choose Category and Location

1. After logging in, you'll be directed to your user dashboard.
2. Navigate to the "Create Listing" or "Post Ad" section. This might be accessible from the dashboard or a prominent button on the homepage.
3. Select the desired category for your listing. Categories can include Electronics, Fashion, Real Estate, Services, etc.
4. Choose the location where the item or service is available. This could be a city or specific region.

Step 3: Create the Listing

1. You'll be taken to the listing creation form.
2. Provide a descriptive title for your listing. This should succinctly convey what you're offering.
3. Write a detailed description of your item or service. Mention its condition, specifications, benefits, etc.
4. Upload high-quality images of your item. Images help buyers understand the product better.
5. Set a fair and competitive price. You can also mark the listing as "Negotiable" if the price is flexible.
6. If applicable, provide additional details such as brand, size, color, etc.
7. Fill in your contact information. This could include your phone number or a preferred method of communication.

Step 4: Review and Submit

1. Before submitting, review all the information you've provided for accuracy.
2. Double-check your contact details to ensure interested buyers can reach you.
3. If everything looks good, click the "Submit" or "Post Ad" button to create your listing.

Step 5: Listing Approval

1. Your listing will now be submitted for review by the website's moderators.
2. Moderators will check if the listing adheres to the website's guidelines and policies.
3. If your listing meets the criteria, it will be approved and go live on the website. You'll receive a notification about the approval.

Step 6: Manage Listings

1. In your user dashboard, you can now see the active listing.
2. You can edit, update, or delete the listing as needed. This is useful if there are changes or if the item is sold.